Whether you want to start a business as a professional mermaid or simply have fun with your pod, you need to know how to create a mersona.
A merman or mermaid persona, also known as a mersona, is a unique character that you get to make. You’ll determine your mermaid name, personality, and backstory, as well as your own look. It takes a bit of time to piece it all together, but that’s part of the fun of being a mermaid!
Here’s everything you need to consider when creating your mersona.
Remember to be yourself

Some merfolk base their personality and look on themselves, and others create a character that’s completely different. You have the flexibility to make yourself whatever kind of mer you want to be, so be yourself and have fun!
It may help you think of ideas if you look at other merfolk or other characters that you admire. They can offer inspiration that molds your mersona, but remember that you shouldn’t copy someone else. Just like the landfolk, mers would be so boring if they were all the same!
Finding the right mermaid name

The first part of creating a mersona is finding the right name.
Some merfolk like to use their birth name, but there are plenty of options available to you. Some choose a name that pertains to water, like water in another language or names of rivers and lakes. Others choose a name that is special to them, even if it has nothing to do with mermaids or the water.
If you’re choosing a name for a professional mermaid business, make sure your name is easy to spell and remember. This will help potential clients find you online easily. You should also make sure there isn’t another pro mermaid with the same name to prevent confusion.
Crafting a backstory

When you go out in public as a mermaid, you’re bound to have landfolk ask questions. Children love using their imagination and will want to know what a mermaid or merman is doing around a bunch of humans! To stay in character, you’ll want to come up with a backstory to answer their questions.
Think about where you’re from, whether it be a particular lake, river, or ocean, and why you’re in your current location. You’ll need to decide your age and what your mer family is like, including your parents and how many siblings you have. You may also want to determine if you’re a prince or princess, or if you have some other role in the mer community.
You should be able to talk about your friends and pets. If you need inspiration for what animal companion you have, look at the Mermaidens’ finfriends!
Choosing personality traits

The backstory you choose will shape your merman’s or mermaid’s personality. You’ll need to think about whether they’re predominantly kind, bubbly, sassy, edgy, naive, and etc. They can be similar to your human personality or completely different!
Perhaps your mersona likes to tell jokes, gets overly excited over little things, or is clumsy and always bumping into things. You can take any little quirk and build it into your character.
Children also like to ask random questions like what your favorite food or color is, so it’s a good idea to compile a list of your likes and dislikes. You can use the Mermaidens for inspiration if you get stuck!
Piecing together your look

Learning how to create a mersona culminates in designing your tail, clothing, and accessories because your appearance demonstrates your personality.
Start with your tail. You’ll need to choose which color scheme best fits your persona, as well as the scale pattern. Fin Fun swimmable mermaid tails feature a variety of designs, but you can also design a tail that’s unique to you!
Your clothing and accessories should match your overall look. For example, if your backstory includes a run-in with pirates or fishermen, perhaps you should incorporate a fishnet to your look.
To finish, you’ll want to choose a hairstyle and makeup to bring your look together. You can change or color your real hair or choose to wear a wig! Go for a natural mermaid look or opt for bold shades of lipstick and eyeshadow.
You decide how to create a mersona
It takes time to piece together all the little details, but you get to decide how to create a mersona that’s unique to you.
Just like people, mersonas will also grow and develop over time. This is natural, just don’t make drastic changes as a professional mermaid or you’ll confuse your clients. If you want, you can create multiple characters to fulfill the desire to be someone new!
What is your mersona? Share your mersona-building tips in the comments!
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Hello, I have created a mersona, my mermaid name is Ansley. In my backstory I’m currently in the in my location looking for a treasure chest , and I’m from the Shanadoah river in Harpers Ferry. My age is 12 years and my mer family members are… amber my mom, Andy my dad, my 14 year old sister aquia, witch is said like, ah-key-ah. And my newborn merbaby brother Ashton. And me! We all are very into enjoying sweet treats and baking them! Like sea weed cupcakes, or kale cakes! Yes we are in a royalty family, but we don’t talk about it much, we don’t like to be rude to others. My pet Is a dolphin, her name is star, she’s quite little at a year old! Me and the rest of my family are quite bubbly, kind, happy, talkative, I’m the only one who has any sass, I dream of being a mermiss actress. My favorite color is lavender purple and my favorite food is clam and kelp soup. I have a orange pink yellow and black mixed tail, and my hair down, pink lipstick, blush, and gold fingernail polish. I’m also a sunlight mermaid Just incase you were wondering. I ❤️ Mermaids
Hey I also made a mermaid named Hazel shes a only child and is clumsy but loves to talk about the ocean when I was 2 I got captured by pirates and now wear a fish net to remind myself to be brave my tail is black and green I have a pet sea turtle named Lucky and my moms name is Layla my dad’s is Leo I have a BFF named Karlie who has a pet Eagle ray named Crystal I’m from the Atlantic Ocean and am here looking for a creature humans haven’t discovered called Blobkingsquid my favorite color is green and favorite food is kelp cakes I’m 18… I love being a mermaid <3
my mermaid name is coral i am 13 years old i have a older sister named pearl she is 16 my backstory is that. she has been taken by bandits that are going to use her to make afortune
Hi. I made a mersona. My mersona name is myrla. In my backstory I lived in the weeki watchee river but there was too much human trash and the water became poluted, so me and my family decided to move to my ancestor’s home, the scotts creek. We wanted to see what made their magic so strong. We found gold in the creek and used it to harness our power! Im a 12 year old freshwater mermaid, me and my sister and my mom visit the pool because it is more clean and fun because there is more landfolk! They peek our interest. I like to make lots of friends there. I am the head warrior, the protector of the sea. I like to pick up trash around my home, because I cant live in the dirty water. My favorite color is chiffon pink. My dad is the cheif of my tribe, but he doesnt like to meet kids. I’m a pink mermaid with ginger hair and gold makeup.
Hi i have created a mersona and my name is luchia wavebass and I am from the Black Sea my age is 10 yrs old and I have one mum maighdeanmara ( said may deen Mara) my dad died in the Mariana trenches I have 10 siblings and one of them is Cordelia bright rose and I am looking for the lost treasure of the titanic in the Atlantic sea the animals i can talk to are: dolphins, whales, sharks and stingrays I am a princess from the Black Sea kingdom my personality is bubbly clumsy and very kind my tail is the riptide Atlantis tail from fin fun. I absolutely ❤️ mermaids and want to get a job as one