Mermaiding is a great way to keep kids active and in shape. But before they flip their fins too far, it’s important that each swimmer is at an appropriate swimming level and knows basic swimming skills. Fin Fun mermaid tails for swimming are the safest in the sea, but these tips will ensure the swimmer’s safety and help them reach their full potential as a mermaid!
Here are 6 swimming skills to test with your child to establish a strong foundation for their mermaiding experience:
1. Back float
Knowing how to back float is an essential technique for your “little mermaid” to feel safe and secure in their monofin. If for any reason he/she feels overwhelmed in the tail, knowing how to float on their back is a great way for them to relax their muscles and regain confidence.

2. Front float
Similarly, having the ability of floating on their stomach is a great way for your child to feel safe and calm. This exercise is not about them holding their breath, but rather knowing the skills necessary to calmly roll from front to back.
3. Roll from front to back
Having the ability to roll from their stomach to her back is a great way to practice breathing for when he/she has a swimmable mermaid tail on and will keep them from scraping their tail/monofin on the bottom of the pool.
4. Tread water for 1 minute
Treading water is an important part of any swim test. This shows that your child can stay afloat without panicking. Having this confidence in the water will only benefit him/her once they are wearing the monofin. Your son or daughter should be able to tread water for about one minute without any assistance.
5. Swim 25 yards/meters unassisted
Have your child swim 25 yards/meters unassisted. It’s important that they can swim without any assistance from a parent, instructor, the side of the pool, or touching the bottom. This ensures that your child can breathe appropriately and swim to safety if needed.
6. Swim 25 yards/meters using the dolphin kick
Dolphin kicks are the main style of swimming when wearing a mermaid tail. Although the dolphin kick will look and feel different in a monofin/tail, having the basic movement down will be a great benefit to your child’s mermaid swim.
Become a Mermaid with Basic Swimming Skills
Once your child can pass off each of the swimming skills on this list, he/she is ready for the full mermaid experience! Fin Fun mermaid tails are safe and a fun way for children and adults to be active and use their imaginations.
For even more mermaid tail safety information, review our Fin Fun Safety Checklist.
Pro Tip: Review the “Mermaid Tail Safety” video with your parent/child to make sure you know all of the quick safety tips of wearing a mermaid tail.