Have you ever wondered what the modern mer habitat looks like? Look no further! These creative mermaids at home show that you can have fun in every circumstance!
Fin-flipping fun
One easy way to ease your longing for the sea is to dive into a swimming pool. This spunky mer must have been flipping their fin in excitement to be gliding through the water! Us land-locked mers have had to live vicariously through them to get our H2O fix.
What has helped you wait for your local pools and beaches to open up?
Taking the mermaid ferry
Swimming is much more fun with family and friends! They’ve made us laugh and kept us sane while limiting our social interaction. Play in the pool all day long, and you just might end up ferrying little humans to the shore!
What are your favorite pool games? Tell us in the comments!
Caring for finfriends
Even cleaning the aquarium is a blast when you mermaid at home! We love caring for our finfriends and watching them swim through the water. Just remember to take care of yourself too!
What household activities would you do in a mermaid tail?
Mermaids at home have more fun!
Who says you have to go swimming to be a mermaid? You can make your mermaid dreams a reality wherever you are, on the land or in the sea. Keep tagging @FinFunMermaid on social media to show how you live your mermaid life!
Once again, thank you to all the lovely mers that submitted pictures and videos of their #MermaidAtHome adventures!